*近,中國科學院上海高等研究院聯合寧波中科科創新能源科技有限公司開發了一種N摻雜的具有極高氧還原穩定性的Pt/C催化劑。通過均相沉淀法,在水溶液中,制備得到尺寸均一、粒徑小、分散度高的N摻雜Pt黑和Pt/C催化劑。通過此方法制備的催化劑展現出能與商業化Pt催化劑相媲美的活性以及極其優異的穩定性。經過20,000次加速循環耐久性測試(ADT),質量比活性衰減僅為3.7%,遠低于商用鉑碳催化劑。特別值得注意的是,該方法步驟簡單,沒有使用表面活性劑,并且已經實現催化劑單批次百克級制備。因此,這種具有前景的制備策略為經濟高效地生產Pt基催化劑提供了巨大潛力,相關論文發表在Journal of Catalysis 雜志上。
Fig. 1.?Schematic illustration of the synthetic strategy of N-doped?Pt/C catalysts.
通過XPS和EXAFS表征發現,通過這種方法合成得到Pt/C催化劑存在著Pt-N鍵的信號。此外,XRD結果表明該催化劑中Pt的(1 1 1)晶面與商用鉑碳催化劑相比有0.23o的負移。通過球差校正電鏡結果的進一步分析,發現合成的Pt/C催化劑中Pt的晶格發生明顯扭曲,EELS能譜在Pt顆粒中檢測出了明顯的N信號。通過計算發現Pt(1 1 1)晶面的晶面間距為0.232 nm,較商業化Pt/C的0.229 nm有約1.3%的增加。作者認為,N原子摻雜進了Pt原子的晶格中,并且N的摻雜使Pt晶格的晶面間距增大,產生晶格拉伸應變效應。
Fig. 3. (a) High resolution HAADF-STEM image of N-doped Pt NPs.?(b) HAADF-STEM?image of one N-doped Pt NP.?(c)?N element K-edge?EELS spectrum of the N-doped Pt NP in Fig. 3b. (d) The integrated pixel?intensity taken along the Pt (111) spacing direction marked by purple square in Fig. 3b.?Inset of Fig. 3d is FFT pattern from the purple square at the Pt NP shown in Fig. 3b.
隨后,作者對比了該N摻雜的Pt/C催化劑與商用鉑碳催化劑的ORR電催化活性和穩定性。該N摻雜的Pt納米粒子展現出能與商用鉑碳催化劑相媲美的ORR活性以及極其優異的耐久性。其ECSA和商用鉑碳催化劑相近(圖4a);0.9V(vs. RHE)電位下ORR質量比活性較商業化Pt/C提高了5%(圖4b)。經過20000次加速耐久性循環測試,發現該N摻雜Pt納米粒子的ECSA僅減小11.5%,明顯低于商用JM鉑碳催化劑的降低量(圖4e);且在0.9V/RHE的ORR質量比活性僅衰減3.7 %,顯著低于商用JM鉑碳催化劑(30.9%)(圖4f),成為已有報道中穩定性*好的Pt/C 電催化劑之一。在氫空燃料電池單電池測試中,電池電流密度為1.4A·cm-2時,電壓為0.65 V(如圖4g)。
Fig. 4.?(a)?CVs of different catalysts in 0.1 M HClO4?solution at a scan rate of 50 mV?s-1.?(b) ORR polarization curves on?different catalysts?in O2-saturated 0.1M HClO4?with a scan rate of 10 mV?s-1?and rotation speed of 1,600 rpm. (c-d)?ORR polarization curves on different catalysts before and after 20,000 ADT cycles between 0.6 and 1.1 V/ RHE. (e) The changes in ECSAs of the different catalysts before and after 20,000 cycles. (f) The changes in mass activities of the different catalysts before and after 20,000 cycles. (g) Single cell performance of H2-air fuel cells prepared with N-doped Pt/C and commercial JM Pt/C. (Pt loading: anode-0.1 mg·cm-2; cathode-0.3 mg·cm-2. Testing condition: 80 oC, 100 RH%, back-pressure=1 atm.)
Fig. 5. (a) Pure Pt NP and (b) N-doped Pt NP. The grey and red?balls stand for the Pt?and N atoms, respectively. (c) The tensile strain of Pt NP as a function of the number of N atoms embedded into the NP. (d) Atom removal?energy of pure Pt NP and N-doped Pt NP at different atom positions (a, b, c and d represent the Pt atom position sites shown in Fig. S25). (e) Reaction free energy diagram of the ORR for two different reactive sites on N-doped Pt NPs.
Fig. 5. The scene photograph of synthesizing the N-doped Pt NPs in a large-scale.
N-doping induced tensile-strained Pt nanoparticles ensuring an excellent durability of the oxygen reduction reaction
Yunjie Xiong, Yunan Ma, Liangliang Zou, Shaobo Han, Hong Chen, Shuai Wang, Meng Gu,?Yang Shen, Lipeng Zhang, Zhenhai Xia,?Jun Li?and Hui Yang
Journal of Catalysis, 2020, 382: 247-255 ??DOI:?10.1016/j.jcat.2019.12.025